Chandigarh to Delhi Taxi
The distance from Chandigarh to Delhi is 245KM, The time taken to cover the route from Chandigarh to Delhi is minimum 5 hours. Book you cab from Ganpati Tours and get amazing deals and discounts. Delhi is the developed city of India with all types of facilities like metro airport and highways. Delhi have a population of more than 2 crores people travel Chandigarh to Delhi for one way and round trip, All the cabs are well maintained, clean and have comfortable seats. If you have a plan to visit Delhi for personal purpose or business purpose then Ganpati Tours is the best choice for you. Our service is really good because we have still zero complaints, Call or WhatsApp us on 7055333356. Just tell us some basic information like cab you want, luggage, pick up location and time then we will suggest you the best cab that fits perfectly both your need and budget.
Chandigarh to Delhi one-way cab
Ganpati Tours provide cab for one way which means only dropping to your desired location, Chandigarh to Delhi is the daily route of Ganpati Tours cab which means you can hire a cab from Chandigarh to Delhi instantly in low budget. Also you can book cab from Chandigarh to Delhi airport cabs or reverse trip from Delhi to Chandigarh at the same price.
Chandigarh to Delhi round-trip
Ganpati Tours also provide you taxi from Chandigarh to Delhi at very good discounted rates, If you have a work for few hours in Delhi and then you want to get back to Chandigarh then Ganpati Tours will provide you cab at very best rates which is pocket friendly. Chandigarh to Delhi Indira Gandhi international airport. So, What are you waiting for just call us on 7055333356.
Haridwar to Delhi taxi for sightseeing
Shri Akshardham Temple: Akshardham Temple, located in Delhi, India, is a magnificent Hindu temple complex known for its intricate architectural design, stunning sculptures, and serene surroundings. It stands as a symbol of spiritual and cultural excellence, offering visitors a profound and visually captivating experience.
India Gate: India Gate, situated in the heart of New Delhi, is an iconic war memorial that honors the soldiers who sacrificed their lives during World War I. Its grand arch and eternal flame make it a poignant symbol of patriotism and a popular landmark for both locals and tourists.
Gurudwara Shri Bangla Sahib: Gurudwara Shri Bangla Sahib, nestled in the heart of Delhi, is a prominent Sikh house of worship. It's revered for its golden dome and a sacred pool, offering spiritual solace to all. This serene oasis welcomes visitors of all faiths and serves free meals as a symbol of Sikh hospitality.
Rashtrapati Bhavan: Rashtrapati Bhavan is the official residence of the President of India. This grand architectural marvel showcases a blend of Indian and Western styles and stands as a symbol of the country's leadership and heritage, set amidst vast Mughal Gardens.
Lotus Temple: The Lotus temple is a striking Bahá'í House of Worship known for its lotus flower-inspired architecture. With its serene ambiance and open-to-all philosophy, it serves as a place of meditation and unity, welcoming people of all faiths to find inner peace and spiritual reflection.
Qutub Minar: Qutub Minar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Delhi, India, is a towering 12th-century minaret and an architectural masterpiece. Standing at 73 meters, it's adorned with intricate carvings, representing the Indo-Islamic architectural splendor, and is a testament to the region's rich history and culture.
National Museum: The National Museum is a treasure trove of the nation's heritage. It houses a diverse collection of art, historical artifacts, and cultural exhibits, offering visitors a comprehensive journey through India's rich and multifaceted past.
Jama Masjid: It is one of India's largest and most splendid mosques. With its red sandstone and marble architecture, it's a symbol of Mughal grandeur. Visitors can explore its massive courtyard and experience the serene ambiance of this historic religious site.
Why hire cab from Ganpati tours Chandigarh to Delhi
- We have expirience of more than 10 years in the field of taxi services.
- We provide new cabs only.
- Ganpati tours is a trustworthy company with more than 1 lakh happy customers.
- All the cabs are sanitize before and after of every trip.
- The cabs rates are affordable, so anyone with low budget can also use our services.
- Ganpati tours give you multiple car rental options.
- Ganpati tours have all types of taxi available for your smaller or bigger needs.