Dehradun to Banbasa & Tanakpur Cabs
The distance from Dehradun to Banbasa and Tanakpur by road is about 340KM the time taken to cover the route from Dehradun to Banbasa by taxi is about 7 hours and 20 minutes. Banbasa and Tanakpur is located in champawat district of Uttarakhand the best time to visit Champawat is throughout the year except may and june. If you have a plan to visit Banbasa or Tanakpur or you are a Nepali want to visit Nepal and you are looking out for a good cab service which fulfil all your travel needs in your budget then you are at the right place. Ganpati Tours provide the best taxi service for one way and round trip, we offer you a flat 10% off if you book taxi for the first time from Ganpati Tours for outstation. So, what are you waiting for call or WhatsApp us now and get your cab done for Dehradun to Tanakpur and Banbasa.
Dehradun to Banbasa and Tanakpur Nepal border taxi
If you want to go Nepal and want a taxi from Dehradun to India Nepal border banbasa and tanakpur then Ganpati Tours will be the best option for you we have all types of car available like Innova, Sedan, Zest, Dzire, Bolero Tempo traveller, etc. Also our cabs have extra space on roof for carrying your extra luggage. When you are travelling with Ganpati Tours then you don't have to worry about things like extra luggage, over charging of money, and hygiene of cab. All of our cars are sanitized before and after of every ride to maintain the hygiene and lower the chances of disease. We follow covid 19 guidelines our drivers wear mask and also accept online payement so you ride can be more secure. So, choose your cab, call or whatsApp us and see your cab is booked.
Why book cab from Ganpati tours from dehradun to Banbasa ?
- We provide cabs sanitize and clean.
- All the cabs are new and sanitize.
- Book cab in affordable rates.
- All things are kept transparent.
- All drivers are skilled, well-educated, polite, and non-talkative.
What set ganpati tours diffrent from others ??
- Ganpati tours provide only new model cabs.
- All the cabs are sanitize before and after of every ride.
- Drivers are skilled, well-educated, and polite.
- No cancellation charges.
- No advance charges, pay after your ride.
Cabs available from dehradun to Almora??
- Swift Dzire.
- Toyota Etios.
- Tata Zest.
- Honda Amaze
- Toyota Innova.
- Toyota Innova Crysta.
- Tempo Traveller