Dehradun to Yamunotri Taxi
The distance between Dehradun and Yamunotri is 220KM. The time require to cover the distance is about 7 hours. Yamunotri Dham is opened on 02/May/2022, Yamunotri Dham is the first Dham you have to cover while Char Dham Yatra, Yamunotri is located at a height of 3293 mts above sea level. Yamunotri Temple is dedicated to Goddess Yamuna and this place is surrounded by mountain and also a very beautiful location. Ganpati Tours provide all types of cab at reasonable rates. The cab booking has never been so easy all you have to do is just call or whatsapp us your itinerary and the places you want to visit. We will quote you the best price for your given itinerary. You can also ask us to plan your tour if you have no knowledge of route and good places on the way. Our representative are very friendly with customer, We explain each and everything to our customer cleary so there will be no confusion during your journey.
Ganpati Tours drivers are excellent and skilled in hill routes as well as plain routes. Our drivers also work as a guide. Yamunotri Dham open in month of may and get closes in month of october. The best time to visit Yamunotri is throughout the year except rainy months. Ganpati Tours get your cab done with minimum advance payment. Our cabs are neat & clean with all facilities available like AC, Music and GPS. Our driver will suggest your best hotel and restaurant in your budget.
Itinerary for Dehradun to Yamunotri
- Day 1 : Dehradun to Janki Chatti
- Day 2 : Janki Chatti - Yamunotri - Janki Chatti
- Day 3 : Janki Chatti to Dehradun
The distance from Dehradun to Janki Chatti is 180KM and time require to reach Janki Chatti from Dehradun is about 6-7 hours. enjoy the evening in Janki Chatti and have dinner. Night Stay in Janki Chatti.
After breakfast in Janki Chatti the trek begins to Yamunotri Temple. The distance of trek is about 6KM one side. So the total distance will be 12KM. it take about 2-3 hours to reach Yamunotri Temple. There are tea stalls and maggie points. You will walk through white snow, waterfalls, flora and fauna. The trek is very beautiful. After reaching Yamunotri you will find a beautiful temple, amazing views. After Darshan and Pooja at temple. Return to Janki Chatti and come down by evening. After that have dinner in Janki Chatti & night stay in Janki Chatti.
On Day 3 you have to come back to Dehradun. You can also explore Janki Chatii but make sure you do it in less time. as 7 hours are require to visit Dehradun